What Is Root for Android?
Rooting is the process of allowing users of the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as root access) over various Android subsystems. As Android is based on a modified version of the Linux kernel, rooting an Android device gives similar access to administrative (superuser) permissions as on Linux or any other Unix-like operating system such as FreeBSD or macOS.
Rooting is distinct from SIM unlocking and bootloader unlocking. The former allows removing the SIM lock on a phone, while the latter allows rewriting the phone's boot partition (for example, to install or replace the operating system
Android uses permissions in the file structure, every file, folder and partition, which has a set of permissions. These permissions decide who can view, write and execute a file—certain users have access, while users who don't have the right permissions are blocked from having access. Rooting device lets you get the permission as Super Administrator User in Android system. Once you get it done, you can do anything in Android system.
Advantages of Root
Advantages of rooting include the possibility for complete control over the look and feel of the device. As a superuser has access to the device's system files, all aspects of the operating system can be customized with the only real limitation being the level of coding expertise. mmediately expectable advantages of rooted devices include the following:
1. Support for theming, allowing everything to be visually changed from the color of the battery icon to the boot animation that appears while the device is booting, and more.
2. Full control of the kernel, which, for example, allows overclocking and underclocking the CPU and GPU.
3. Full application control, including the ability to fully backup, restore, or batch-edit applications, or to remove bloatware that comes pre-installed on some phones.
4. Custom automated system-level processes through the use of third-party applications.
5. Ability to install software (such as Xposed, Magisk, SuperSU, BusyBox, etc.) that allows additional levels of control on a rooted device or management of root access.